Thursday, September 18, 2008

Its been awhile...

So, i had the baby..:-D

YAY! Matthew Wade Copelin was born september tenth at 7:59 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 5 ounces. He was 20.5 inches and has a FULLLL head of blonde adorable wonderful curly hair. Just like daddies. :-D He is beautiful and everything a mother could ask for. Its been a rough week of life for him and for me but he is worth every bit of it.

Ill start by describing labor..[this is probably going to be a three or four part blog -LoL]

So, tuesday night, i stopped having a ton of pain but i was having lots of heartburn. I kept feeling like i had to pee but then when i went to the bathroom.. nothing! but my underwear would be wet. Odd to me, but when i was at the dr. earlier that morning, she checked and it wasnt amniotic fluid so i was in the clear. Anyways, it was like right around midnight and i FINALLY was able to put my heartburn in check and start to doze off and fall deeply asleep when all of a sudden i had a huge gush of what felt like warm water on my leg and bed. I sat up and an even bigger one happened and i said, " Cameron i think my water just broke." He sat up in bed and pulled the covers off and looked and started running around the bedroom rushing to the laundry room to get some clothes and brush his teeth. Meanwhile i kept walking around in circles, dripping as i went, trying to get ahold of my mom on the cell, get some kind of underwear, thinking about how i was going to "catch" all the fluid dripping out of me, and manage to get out of the house. Cameron asked me how much time we had and i said i didnt know but he needed to call the hospital and let them know we were on our way. So he gets the phone and I got the number and then he called and gave the phone to me cuz he didnt know what to say. LoL

Basically they said come in. :-)

So off we went. I got to the hospital at 12:30am on wednesday the 10th. They hooked me up and did all their tests to see if my water had broken, which it did. Then i tried walking, taking a shower, and walking around some more. Nothing was bringing on contractions..:-( So around 930-10 my dr came in, checked me [i was at 3.5 centimeters], and said lets start some pitocin. So they did. Well that started what was the worst excrustiating pain EVER! my contractions started coming all right but apparently they were not strong enough for the nurse cuz she kept upping my dosage. By noon, my contractions we super strong and never seemed to have time apart. My poor uterus never got a break. I was trying not to cry, and i didnt, but oh boy was i in pain. I kept remembering what my mom said about breathing. Thank goodness for Cameron because without him i wouldnt have been able to get through it at all. FINALLY at around twoish i couldnt take it anymore and i BEGGED for an epidural. The only anisteioligist {i have no idea how to spell that word} there was busy in the OR all day as well so i had to wait for him to fit me in. Meanwhile i was dying of pain. He finally got up there and did his magic. It was painful but it was worth it cuz i knew soon i wouldnt feel anything. So right afterwards, they checked me and guess what.. i was at 9.5 centimeters. So the majority of my labor was no pain killers.. OMG i do NOT reccomend that to anyone. Then at 4 oclock i was ready to push.

OF course by then i coudnt feel anything from the waste down so cameron had to tell me when to push. it was interesting to say the least. imagine trying to poop but not being able to feel your urge. VEry difficult. I pushed for 3 hours. During all this, MAtty got stuck. HE was face up and wouldnt turn for 3 hours. Then once he did, he got stuck and his heart rate dropped dramatically and didnt go back up. they were going to vacuum him out but since his heart rate wouldnt back up, they decided to get him out via c-section. I didnt want that at all, with Cameron leaving in a week for patrol, but i wanted him out and fast and healthy. So we went in around 730 and then at 7:59, He came out. :-D He was beautiful and It was so amazing to to look at him, after all the waiting and praying and anticipation, he was here. I dont think Cameron reazlized how much u could love someone. Watching him watching his child be born is something i will never forget. To see how much love he had instantly for his child was so precious something that no words can describe. It made the whole day worth it.

Ill write more later. Matty is sleeping and i want to rest my eyes while he sleeps away. :-)

Besides, when harry met sally is on tv and its my favorite movie next to The Princess Bride.

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